Monday, December 15, 2008


Yea Yea Yea I know its been like forever since ive updated this thing but Hey...A sista has been busy.

The semester is finally over and im so glad. The break were on right now is so badly needed. My family has been feeling the raft of me being stressed out about my finals and also about needing money for tuition, but as usual "God is Good"and all that has been taken care of.

Grades...ummm Im hoping for all A's but im not sure that, that is going to happen..LOL
Our grades are going to be posted online tomorrow so Im saying a good prayer and keeping my fingers and toes crossed that I somehow came through and worked it out!

The holidays are quickly approaching and although im looking forward to enjoying every day of it I must say that Im also looking forward to my upcoming vacation. My family including my parents will be sailing on Carnivals Splendor out of Fort Lauderdale. YES...19 more adys to go and were sailing the smooth seas.

I cant wait to report back the good /bad/ugly. Actually I already have the ugly but im reserving those comments for post upon my return.
I plan to update my blog daily ( ok let me not lie...every few days) with my planning and preparation for the cruise.

19 days to go and I need to find a 2nd dress for formal night. There are 2 formal nights on the ship. I have 1 dress already that I will be using but I need to find one more. I saw this one dress online that I fell in love with but havent had any success locating it in any stores around here on for purchase online. I want this dress soooo bad. I havent given up looking for it, hopefully I can find it PRIOR to me leaving for my trip.

I also need to find something for my son to wear. He needs a new suit. I plan to make my way over to Burlington this week and hopefully they will have something sharp..that fits him nicely and doesnt need to have a ton of alterations.

My daughter.....ha ha. Thats another story. She has NO CLUE at all that she is going on this trip. She thinks that she is not going and has to stay with cousins while we are away. I cant wait to see her face as we pull up to the cruise port. I will make sure we have the camcorder rolling to capture the loook in her eyes when she finds out we Punk'd her..LOL

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